Monthly Archives: December 2010

>Dec.31st, New Years Eve




Ok, I just wanted to make a little short post today in order to tell you all that there will be more posting/videos uploaded within the next couple of days! (Also, it will remind me to post ha ha!!)

It has been a little hard since December 17th to blog, as my phone ended up being shut off shortly afterwards, and I didn’t want to spend my Christmas break in Bathurst on my laptop. My phone has been turned back on (thank you Mr. Telus!), and this weekend should be a fun one packed with cooking and cleaning and munching food with a friend or two!

So, bare with me! I am thinking that there will be a video up later, and I also wanted to doodle a little bit as well so there may be a picture up as well! Thanks all, and be safe this weekend!

>Ooof, I can’t post very much due to my bad reception and my phone, but I can at least distribute our Holiday Newsletter as I am not in Fredericton this Christmas to do it manually!


Dear Friends:


Yes folks, it’s that time of year; the cards are piling up,

homes are horrendously over-decorated, and Martha specials are airing on all of

your favourite networks… yes, it’s December. And with the winter wonderland

we’ve tricked ourselves into seeing outside, the holidays are upon us. In the

spirit of the season, I’ve decided to flex my writing chops and give you a

rather extravagant and over-zealous run-down of the hilarities and hardships

Rob and I have endured throughout the past year, and extend our arms to you (and

kneel down and pray!) gentle reader, in a celebration of friendship, love, and

good times. It was you who helped us get through 2010, and our stylish yet

affordable hats are off to you.

We begin our little literary adventure in the month of

April. Rob and I officially met, and jumped head first into that funny little

thing called love. At that time I was also pretty AWOL in front of the Olympics

coverage, and I’m sure you missed me terribly. As for Rob, he was finishing his

final year at NBCC Woodstock in the Journalism program.

April was pretty big for us actually. Rob, who had lived in

Woodstock, spent a large portion of the month in Fredericton due to the anti-bullying

legislation that he and the then Opposition party put forth into the

legislature. As we all know, the legislature closed early and forced his and

many other bills to die on the floor. Along with running back and forth and

around our little city, we protested all by ourselves (and supporters later on)

in front of the legislature in the freezing cold for a week.

May came in like a rollercoaster, as my birthday is at the

beginning of the month. I can’t thank my friends enough for the memories of

that day, and my family for being so accommodating! The festivities were housed

at my parent’s house, and gave my closest friends the first chance to meet Rob.

And while he doesn’t seem used to the party atmosphere, at least he provided a

good portion of the laughs. Most of which were probably at his expense. Lots of

food, lots of fun, lots of campfire s’mores, lots of music, and lots of

somewhat intoxicated deck-dancing, my 21st was a night to remember.

Midway through the month we embarked on the hunt for our

first apartment. Not helping matters was me and my work schedule, but

thankfully my knight in shining armour appeared in the form of my best friend

Steph, whom I had lived with before and worked with at our Esso. While I was at

work, Steph and Rob trolled the classifieds and put rubber to pavement,

knocking out apartment after apartment. The process was quite funny to be a

part of, as they’d call me between every stop, and email me pictures on my

blackberry, and even send voice clips! Low and behold, when I saw their top

pick we all knew this was it. Signed the lease, boxed up the things, and then I

decided to have a collapsed lung.

Starkly contrasting the festivities and celebrations of the

month, on May 27th I called mom and informed her that I had had

enough of the chest pains I had been having for the better part of the previous

week, and to the Doctor we went. In a couple hours I would have x-rays, an

emergency room wait, and sedation then surgery. Ironically enough, if I had

switched shifts like a co-worker had asked and worked the night shift over the

day shift, I wouldn’t have gone to the Doctor that day, and I might not be here

to write this letter. Rob happened to be in town that day as well to attend the

Aids Memorial up at campus, and leading up to when I went under I was telling

everyone that I was going as well.

Though still quite hazy, I remember that there was food

sometimes, and I remember how hard it was for me to get up to even go to the

bathroom. Other than that, I still to this day wonder what the hell I did for

144 hours!

Coming home in June was definitely a little unusual; while I

was resting in the hospital my parents and Rob had moved over a good portion of

stuff to our new apartment, and had made the best effort to make sure that I

would be comfy in my new home as best they could.

June also brought Rob’s birthday. For his 21st,

he went home to Bathurst for a little break from me (LOL), and I spent the time

re-acquainting myself with my friend the DVD player, as I was still in recovery

mode. Rob also started his internship for school from home when I came out of

the apartment, and at this point he had been going to the Aids NB office daily.

While Rob got work experience from them, I made some new friends who are always

up for a package of baked goodies!

Steph and I had been counting down the months until one of

our favourite shows, Avatar: The Last Airbender came to theatres, and we giddily

ate up the cheese factor that it provided us die-hard fans. Seeing that movie

started the summer trend of all of ours, we saw a HUGE amount of movies all season

long. I had gotten some movie passes from my parents from my birthday, and we

kept receiving more and more passes from other means that when we were too hot

out in the Oasis that I turned our balcony into, we would head into the cool of

matinee showings at the mall.

Around this time Rob had suggested that I start a blog to

help with my memory issues (a side effect from my hospital stay and the

medication I was on most likely) as well to entertain me while he was

completing his internship. It took me a couple days to figure out what a blog

would actually be for me, and I’ve crafted something that occupies my time,

provides some laughs, and allows me to redefine what I feel like I had lost

over the past couple of years. It has allowed me to re-invigorate otherwise

small and insignificant hobbies as well as develop new ones as well. And I get

to write about anything I want and people actually seem to get as much of a

kick out my brain as I do!

August was a pretty hectic month as well, as we went

full-force into celebrating Fredericton’s first “real” Pride Week, and the

capital’s first Pride Parade. It was special for me as an out man in my

hometown to walk in its first parade. And we continued our pride in September

when we joined the 2011 Pride Committee. Though not sure what exactly we could

do, or even how much we would want to, we jumped right in and corralled

ourselves into 4 sub-committees. Crazy? We think so!

September was busy indeed, as I had decided to jump

face-first into University. Disappointingly for myself as well as my family I’m

sure, I dropped my courses in October. However I have just received my

acceptance letter from NBCC for January the other day, so I am quite excited

for that.

For the Thanksgiving holiday, Rob once again returned home

to Bathurst to spend some time with his family, while I stayed here. Not

resting on my laurels, I spent the better part of the weekend cooking the

various desserts that I couldn’t choose between for my own family’s dinner. A

pumpkin pie with walnut and ginger cookie crust, pumpkin apple muffins, and

also developed what I call a Deep-Deep Dish Apple Pie, which includes a super

confidential number of apples and a casserole dish!

November brought another rally, this time in support of our

friend Mitch. Let it never be said that Rob and I are part of a so-called

apathetic young adult group, as we seem to have a new cause every month to

fight for!

As I finish this letter, Golden Girls is playing in the

background of our bedroom. We’re sitting in bed; Rob’s frantically clipping and

pinning blue ribbons for the provincially-designated Anti-Bullying Day on

December 17th. Things are definitely picking up here, with emails

flying, posters being sent out, t-shirts to corral…and that’s just for him!

I’ve got the oven churning out batch after batch of Christmas goodies, a ball

of yarn and various hooks and needles stitching, and people to co-ordinate


And this, my friends, brings us to the end of our first

holiday (w)rap-up! Hopefully it was as fun reading as it was stressful writing

it!! As of this moment, preliminary drafting and what-not, I’m up to 5 pages!

*Edit- Trimmed down to a cool 2 and a half! Go me!

Wishing you and yours a fantastic holiday season no matter

what you celebrate, and many good returns for you in the New Year!

Happy Holidays!