Category Archives: Sprout Watch

>Sprout Watch, Day 2 – AM


So I realize it’s no longer AM, but I did take this a while ago, and am just remembering to post while sitting in the waiting room of my Doctor lol. Only 12 hours after I started them and there’s already some little guys going:)

Sent from my Crackberry

>Sprout Watch, Day 1


So I’ve lost my voice somewhat, and decided quite early this morning that I would not be vlogging, so I decided that I was going to write today.

I originally wanted to draw a little, but then didn’t feel up to it after I started to clean up the apartment, and looked to my right. There, under our printer, was the Biosta Grower that I got from Vessey Seeds.

I love that little guy, and got quite a kick out of growing my own sprouts within a couple days in the beginning of the summer when I was chair-ridden, but hadn’t done any since the hayday of the Oasis, otherwise known as my balcony.

So today I decided, along with my original decision to write today, that I was going to start up a new batch of sprouts.

And then, just now as I was helping Rob finish his Molasses Cookies in the kitchen, I thought that I would start a daily sprout watch! It’s like my own advent calendar, except not really at all, and with less chocolate.

Also, I’m reminding myself as I finish a seasonal crossword on, we’ve got advent calendars from my giggling mother to investigate!

Night all!

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