Category Archives: Youtube

>Today Was A Rough One

>I apologize everyone, as I officially breakdown in this video. It’s so late (for me), and I still can’t hardly edit worth shit. Today has just been so hard that I needed to get something out so that it would leave my head nicely and in an orderly fashion. Earlier tonight we had the visitation for my Nanny at their retirement home with family and over a hundred friends.

I was so glad that my family was able to all come together tonight as one cohesive machine, and so happy that Rob was able to attend as well. Even more thankful that when all was done and over with that Rob was there with a huge hug.

Today was rough, but tomorrow will be the true test.

>Thanks for the support the last couple of days, this is just to catch you all up


>Jan. 2, 2010, Sunday Night Shenanigans
